Maintaining the internal temperature of greenhouses in cold weather is very important for the development of the plant, but it is also a costly task. Thermal curtain is used as a second cover to maintain the temperature of the greenhouse.
It is the most economical solution to reduce heat loss.
If requested, this cover can also be produced with UV protection that protects the plastic from harmful rays, heat enhancing IR, and Anti Fog feature to reduce the formation of water droplets on the ceiling of the greenhouse.
Light transmittance is 95%. Since it is transparent, it does not have a negative effect on plant development.
Solarization is an environmentally friendly process that aims to purify the soil from harmful bacteria and microorganisms at high temperatures by completely covering it with a transparent greenhouse cover with high light permeability, which is moist and deeply processed in greenhouse areas during the hottest period such as July and August, and it is an environmentally friendly process since no chemicals are used.
With this process, which is carried out without the use of chemicals, the soil is cleared of pests and a 20-30% increase in productivity is achieved due to the growth of beneficial bacteria at high temperatures. In the solarization process, it is important to choose the cover (thickness) and make the application correctly.
If deemed necessary, solarization covers can be produced with UV, IR and AF additives upon request.
Silage Covers, on the other hand, are long-lasting Polyethylene covers with UV Stabilizer Additive, which are light-proof, have high mechanical strength, and are produced to protect the silage made to meet the fresh feed needs of the animals from external factors.
Silage covers 16 meters. It is produced using 3-Layer CO-EX technology in White-Black or Green-Black colors, in the thickness range of 100-200 microns up to width.
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Mulch films used for covering the soil:
It is especially used in strawberry production.
The color of this above-ground film produced with CO-EX technology is black.
It balances the soil temperature,
It prevents weed emergence, reduces moisture loss and therefore requires less irrigation.
It allows long-term use due to its UV additive.
It prevents fruits from coming into contact with the soil.
Mulch films used for covering the soil:
The surface of this Mulch film in contact with the soil is black, and the other side is; Although it is silver gray and white, it can also be applied in different colors such as brown / red / green depending on the development needs of the plant. In mulch applications, the refractor properties of silver gray and white colors are especially used. Mulch movies;
It prevents the formation of weeds on the soil surface.
It protects the plant from pests.
It prevents plant roots from burning due to excessive heat.
It allows the plant leaves and the lower parts of the fruit to receive sunlight.
It prevents the formation of bacteria on the lower parts of the leaves.
Provides regular color distribution in fruits
It increases productivity by allowing plants to better adapt to natural light and temperature conditions.
Greenhouse top plastics generally perform based on factors such as light transmittance, temperature control and durability. These plastic materials are best used by regulating sunlight and controlling temperature to provide the optimum growing conditions that plants need. Additionally, special designs and coatings can be used to adapt to different climatic conditions.
FADO offers its customers solutions tailored to their specific needs and provides support at every stage of the project.