The horticulture greenhouse is a type of traditional greenhouse, used in regions where the underground water levels are high.
This soilless method usually involves hydroponic or aeroponic systems and aims to cultivate healthy plants with the use of water and nutrients.
These greenhouses have various features to provide optimal growing conditions for strawberry plants, increase yields and maintain fruit quality.
Soil mixtures or soilless growth media in the greenhouse ensure healthy development of the root systems of the flowers and receive nutrients.
Bananas are generally native to hot and humid climates, so greenhouses are designed to provide the optimal growing conditions the banana plant needs.
Soil preparation, irrigation and fertilization processes are generally carried out in nurseries. The seedlings produced here are then transplanted to agricultural fields, gardens or forests where they continue to grow.
Venlo is a widely popular greenhouse farming design, used especially for growing vegetables and flowers. These greenhouses are generally based on a design standard that originated in the Netherlands and then spread throughout the world. Venlo greenhouses are generally constructed using glass material. Glass transmits sunlight well and lets in the natural light necessary for the plants’ photosynthesis.